Friday, August 20, 2010

What could cause my laptop to completely and randomly shut itself off and not turn back on? (A Dell

I'm just looking for some ballpark answers. My laptop had been slow recently but I'm pretty good at keeping it free of spyware and stuff like that. How long would it take to diagnose and fix this problem and what kind of parts (or $) might I need?

What could cause my laptop to completely and randomly shut itself off and not turn back on? (A Dell 700m)?free spyware remobal

Loose connection to the battery maybe... it would be worth looking at, sometimes it's the simple things like that.

What could cause my laptop to completely and randomly shut itself off and not turn back on? (A Dell 700m)?kawasaki

i know theres a virus out there that will cause your computer to restart constantly...i cant remember what its called but its something worth looking in to.
Check your fan/heatsink for blockage, get a can of canned air and blow with short bursts into the intake/exhaust vents and youll probably see a ton of dirt blow out. Repeat if necissary. If the dirt buildup is severe, you might have to take the computer apart and clean the insides thoroughly. Good Luck.
Sounds like it could be overheating.

There are some things you can do to prevent overheating - don't use a laptop on anything but a hard surface. Soft surfaces (couches, beds, pillows) block the air flow to the fans.

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